Tuesday, July 24, 2007


1,500 plus cpdrc inmates of the cebu provincial detention and rehabilitation center, cebu, philippines.
this is not the final routine.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

great blogging

there's a blog called rubbishcorp that i read religiously.
today they blogged another blog called
"you pissed me off, you bastard".
suddenly, i'm not alone! there IS someone out
there as pissed off as me!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

hbo voyeur

a website worth looking into.
nice, very nice.
via exclusivestm

Monday, July 16, 2007


being such a big fan for gondry's work, i was so excited when i saw the hp add.
go here to have a look.
via ilovenewwork & motionographer

Friday, July 13, 2007

little people

check out this blog, it's totaly worth it!
via rubbishcorp

yes, an other video

i promissed my self that i wouldn't blog 2 videos in a row, it gets boring, look unclean, etc etc.
but then today i came across this, and couldn't stop laughing.
via neatorama & the onion

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


with all the fuss going on about the transformers come-back, we have to give these guys some credit.
aside from the creativity they show, to make it functunal like this, takes a great deal of work.
congratulations, it looks amazing.
via youtube

Friday, July 6, 2007

the blackle

if you are concerned (as me) about the global warming,
you shoul check this out.
google has a suplementary webpage with black as the
background colour instead of white. this saves a lot of energy.
do your part, use this instead.
via OhGizmo!

iDon't Know

the revolutionary new product for your iDeas!
why didn't anyone think of it before?
although i don't think steve jobs would agree
(or at least for the graphics part of the website,
curiously resembling to apple's new site).
go and have a look to the iDea website, just for a laugh.
via iDea